To submit a supportive service request, please review the supportive service information and fill out a request form at Be advised that requests take 7-14 business days to review, and duplicate submissions will not speed up the process and may cause further delays.

Cottages of Hope
Creating Paths to Prosperity
Our Mission
Cottages of Hope empowers people to become financially stable and self-sufficient.
Who do we serve?
We focus on helping people living in the Ogden/Weber area who fit the following:
Families living near or below the poverty line
Individuals with justice involvement
People motivated to make meaningful life changes
Browse our services and let us know how we can help you build a brighter future.
Submit a Referral
Are you working with a family or person that can benefit from our services? Click on the button below to access our easy to use referral form.
If you are referring for supportive services, please have the family fill out a supportive service request at: Be advised that requests take 7 - 14 business days to review, and duplicate submissions will not speed up the process and may cause further delays.
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